
Showing posts from January, 2021

The king is naked

Just like the king's beautiful clothes; Invisible to all except the wise. We're adorned in raiment of lies Our leaders make us suppose, Is truth in our eyes. And naive as we are Believe it, hook, line and sink, Grab the bait And sink down into oblivion. Just like we found the king is naked, The truthful lies from our eyes Like scales from bathemeus eyes, Fell off to reveal ourselves; Slaves in our leaders eyes. Revolution against that crippling lie Became an inevitable thing. Then we died en masse, Under the tricksters orders. ©adeayoPoetry

Rolling stone

Up the hill and down the meadows. I went, slowly up and rapidly; more like free fall, down. The sun beat down fiercely and  My back felt burdened on my way up, Sweat suffused my face before I got to the top. Coming down, the sun was up but, The breeze made me feel cool and better. And i sweated less though I sped more. Going up is quite difficult, more difficult Than coming down. But the most difficult of all is staying up. That altitude is lonely, hot and stifling. Its much better staying down.  At least there are  countless shadows, To shade from the heat, And the breeze to make the trip worth it. Than the lonely top where you loose All aspirations and feel stifled,  And fearful of falling. I'd rather go up and down. Knowing I can go up if I want, To satisfy my vain idea for greatness. And down if i feel, I need the peace of mind the bottom offers me. I like being i control, And not on the top with all my might. like some do. Who fall off,  Without as much as an ounce of strength...


Tick tock, tick tock The time runs out Battling through my work The sweat pours out My work this day Is to beat the time That ticks each day To annoying rhyme I hope to God My work is done And like a cod Tempted by bait not yet gone I might rejoice In my brief freedom Away from noise From the bent iron kingdom That angers and vex My slothful soul That wish a little rest As its ultimate goal ©AdeayoPoetry

Life And In between

Life is like binary. You can be one or zero, No in betweens. You can be on or off, Just like a switch. You can win or loose, No deuce or draws. You can be living or not, None is undead. You can be true or false, No halves. But i want other options, If i can't have it, I'll make one. Being me today, another tomorrow. It makes me unpredictable, yet predictive. I can be good today and be evil tomorrow. I only have once, so I know I will die someday. Then why not sample all the options life has to offer? so that in a way, I can be in between the binary. There is a reason I have a choice, And it is to choose. Not dread the result and slow and delay On what to choose. Sample everything, the opportunity may not come again. Savour every taste, it may be your very last. ©aypoetry

Happy new year 2021; remember

To all who tried and failed To reach this new year. To all who fought and died. To all who got killed By their own country. To those dead, we will not forget Why you died and the deeds you left. Its a new year and we dine Thanking God for seeing this day Amidst all odds of pandemic, civil strife in countries Or the fires that nearly ruined Australia. Still, here we are  Breathing the air, under masks But breathing all the same. Wining and dining sparingly But we dine all the same. Yet in all this happiness we must, In all due faith remember, Those we lost to the past year And learn from their deeds, As we lay down a new year resolution. Happy new year And I hope this year's happier Than the gloomy 2020. ©AdeayoPoetry