Happy new year 2021; remember

To all who tried and failed
To reach this new year.
To all who fought and died.
To all who got killed
By their own country.
To those dead, we will not forget
Why you died and the deeds you left.
Its a new year and we dine
Thanking God for seeing this day
Amidst all odds of pandemic,
civil strife in countries
Or the fires that nearly ruined Australia.
Still, here we are 
Breathing the air, under masks
But breathing all the same.
Wining and dining sparingly
But we dine all the same.
Yet in all this happiness we must,
In all due faith remember,
Those we lost to the past year
And learn from their deeds,
As we lay down a new year resolution.
Happy new year
And I hope this year's happier
Than the gloomy 2020.


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