
There is an indignant lump of discontentment in my throat
Like a morsel that won't go down, stubborn like a goat
I hate me this time with a scowling frown
Its november and everyone and thing is all brown
She just left me in a white gown
(At least I've finally lived with that reality for now.)
These moments of waking to life
Gives me the lumps and an unhealthy thump
In my heart riddled with HBP
Breathe in deep, out over and over again
Don't let that final, thin thread of reason fail
Or you'll plunge down the sink
Twirling inside out like a piece of shit.
You are a worthless piece of shit anyway.
Don't flush, don't flush.

I don't loose reason, well at least not when I'm sane.
Those silky thin thread keep the five minutes grace
of regrettable and remorseful insanity in cage
(Everyone almost always have their moment of shame)
Only when I'm angry beyond reason
Do I loose any semblance of control to sweet rage.
Let the beast out to take a walk, stretch a leg
Perhaps rear its ugly head in an otherwise messy shed.


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